Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Mass Media in China - 3453 Words

LS22442 Mass Media Tutorial Weeks 4 and 5 WEEK 4 The Mass Media in China Read the text (translation) paras. 1-38 for Week 4, before your tutorial; watch the first half of the documentary in class, then answer the questions at end. First anniversary of China’s entry to WTO (2002) RTHK: Impact on the media Ru shi yi zhou nian(å… ¥Ã¤ ¸â€"ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥â€˜ ¨Ã¥ ¹ ´) HC427.95 .R83 2003 (local tv) Vol.2 RTHK Soundtrack: mainly Cantonese, some Putonghua (with Chinese subtitles), some English Introduction (Trans. D.B. Hunter) Recent years have seen rapid development in China’s mass media sector with a progressive shift in balance from government control to commercialization and responsiveness to markets. To cope with market demand and the challenge posed by†¦show more content†¦9. Since the station started operating, Chinese stations have been frantically adopting the same format, as programmes like this were something which few of them had ever made. One example currently being recorded is an extremely popular male beauty competition. 10. We syndicated this show to several channels already in mainland China and for instance in Chongqing, the channel that we syndicated it to there was Chongqing TV No. 2 and on that channel, in the week, in that time slot, it has gone to become the number one general entertainment channel in all of Chongqing. 11. As television stations rely on advertising revenue, the advertising industry wants to see ratings. Since Xing Kong Weishi entered the China market, it’s been bringing in spectators and advertising, leaving domestic stations to follow as best they can. The days of no competition when everyone ate from the same big pot are well and truly over and will not return. 12. In the past the mainland, media was directly under government control. This was an effective way to get policies across to the people. But the effectiveness of government-run media in a free market situation is low. To handle the impact of entry to the WTO as well as Jiang Zemin’s directive, the media need to stand on their own two feet. 13. Talking to the People’s Daily, Jiang Zemin said that the media had to properly carry out their propaganda work and at the same time make sure that they adhered toShow MoreRelatedThe Mass Media in China3469 Words   |  14 PagesLS22442 Mass Media Tutorial Weeks 4 and 5 WEEK 4 The Mass Media in China Read the text (translation) paras. 1-38 for Week 4, before your tutorial; watch the first half of the documentary in class, then answer the questions at end. First anniversary of China’s entry to WTO (2002) RTHK: Impact on the media Ru shi yi zhou nian(å… ¥Ã¤ ¸â€"ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥â€˜ ¨Ã¥ ¹ ´) HC427.95 .R83 2003 (local tv) Vol.2 RTHK Soundtrack: mainly Cantonese, some Putonghua (with Chinese subtitles), some English Introduction (Trans. D.B. 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